Op vrijdag 12 mei 2023 organiseert de Financial Study Association Groningen de Accountancy Day. Gedurende deze dag kunnen studenten Accountancy & Controlling kennismaken met toekomstige werkgevers. Afier is aanwezig tijdens de netwerklunch van 12.30 uur tot 14.00 uur. Want wil je AA, RA of RE worden? Kom dan stage lopen, afstuderen, duaal studeren of werken bij Afier!

Lees hier wat we jou als student zoal kunnen bieden. Tijdens de Accountancy Day vertellen we je er graag alles over.

De Accountancy Day wordt georganiseerd in Van der Valk Hoogkerk, Borchsingel 53 in Eelderwolde.

Financial Study Association Groningen, FSG, is the study association for the financially interested student at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Groningen. FSG is, with over 1800 members, one of the most active and professional study associations of the Netherlands. The goal of FSG is to close the gap between theory and practice that exists in the areas of:

  • Accountancy & Controlling (A&C)
  • Finance
  • International Financial Management (IFM)
  • Management Accounting & Control (MAC)

On the first of March 2021, FSG was established from the merger between Risk and PM. The reason for the merger was mostly because of the competition between the associations within the Accountancy & Controlling track. Right now, FSG can serve the A&C-students to the best of its abilities. Although FSG is a new association, it will build upon the knowledge gained by both associations. Which together have a shared experience of over 30 years.